This thread ( has been extremely helpful for me so far, and the MultiSheetRankedSearch.xls has been fantastic! I do have a question about potentially adding something else to the function.
I have a sheet named "M" sheet where I gather all of the data from a "Manual" sheet. My chart looks like this:
I'm using the column header names as opposed to the row names from your MultiSheetRankedSearch.xls (hopefully, that make sense). Nonetheless, I would like to use my row names (which are date ranges) within the function
=SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Manual"&"!F2377:F3822"), "="&A9))
. Is there anyway to use the date ranges in place of "!F2377:F3822" from the "Manual" sheet? I've attached the Excel workbook as well for you to see. I'm trying to use the function as dynamically as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
ES QA Weekly Testing Execution Summary.xls