Ok, as Im sure most of you will soon be able to tell...I dont know what Im doing.
But, I am trying.
Revised file attached.
I added a Key tab at the bottom. Mostly just a mess for me to try to link an index/match to.
On the Po tab in F3 I put the following:
=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(ACONCAT(IF(schedule!$D$3:$D$64=(INDEX($A$3:$H$1000,MATCH($A$3,Key!$A$1:$A$78,0),MATCH(Key!$B$2,Key!$B$2:$B$78,0))),TEXT(schedule!$A$3:$A$64,"d-mmm")," ")))," ",", ")
Used Ctrl, Shift, Enter and it comes back blank.
Im not sure how to tell where I am failing (besides skill) 
I was hoping my addition of the index and match would allow this to go to another page, find the match to A3 on the Po page (which should be APNDPT-300) and look for the same row in column B.
While this still doesnt answer my question from above, I was hoping to build off of this.