It's always good practice to use dynamic range names and I'm a great fan, but they are probably not necessary here.
Are all the individual sheets always the same layout, i.e. like columns in the same position, and are all the project names fixed without users ever inserting or deleting rows? Remember you can always unlock those cells in which you want users to enter data and then protect the sheet with a password which will then prevent changes. If so then the simplest way is just to link the summary sheet cells directly to the individual sheets.
If not then perhaps a better way would be to have a macro which cycled through all the sheets and built the master table for you by copying each individual sheet in turn and stacking them underneath each other on the summary sheet
If you allow users to enter new rows or move rows about then alternatively a non VBA solution would be to use the following formula on the summary sheet in B2 and copied down and across
You'll need to copy across first, then reset the formatting then copy B2:E2 down. Then all you need to know is how many X,Y,Z etc. rows to include on the summary sheet.
Does this give you some ideas?