How do I copy a VLOOKUP formula from multiple sequential worksheets to a single sheet?
I am creating an excel file to keep track of baseball statistics. I have one worksheet for each game.
Each game has a box score and player stats for the entire game. Each player has been assigned a number (A1, A2, etc).
Each player also has their own season/career statistic page on their own worksheet. Because each player can bat in a different spot in the lineup, I’ve used a VLOOKUP function to find each player’s row of statistics for each game to carry over to their player page.
Here’s an example of the formula I’ve used:
=VLOOKUP("A1", 'G1'!$B$10:$AI$24, 4, 0) (A1 is player 1, G1 is the worksheet for Game #1, B10:AI24 is the range of stats for the player for every game).
Here is where I get stuck................When I copy the formula down for all the following games (G2, G3, etc) the G1 does not change. Is there a way to do this?
If I type in 3 columns manually and then try to drag and copy, it just copies G1, G2, G3, G1, G2, G3, G1, G2, G3.
Any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated. I hope I’ve explained myself well enough to be understood. I’m learning Excel as I go, so I’m certainly far from proficient with it.
The workbook I've attached with this is just a sample of the entire thing. I have hundreds of pages, but I've just included a single player page and 5 game pages. Hopefully this is enough for someone to understand what I'm trying to accomplish.