I am wondering if it is possible to input data onto one master worksheet, and then that data be automatically transfered to another worksheet of my choosing. What I have is a master scoreboard where I am inputing all the scores of the year. What I would like to happen is each score for each respective team to automatically transfer to the worksheets I have set up for each team (So only Atl scores would transfer to the "Atl worksheet", Bos scores would transfer to the "Bos worksheet", etc.) I have broken the individual team worksheets into home and away scores. So each time a team is input on the master sheet as a home team (column C), their respective scores would transfer to columns D and E of that teams worksheet (for away games it would be column B on the master, and columns A and B on their team sheet). If this is possible it was save me a lot of input data time (since their are two teams to each game and twice as much entry of data and navigation). I have set an example for Atl by showing where their respective scores would go to after they are input on the master sheet.
If this is possible and anyone could give some insight or help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!