Hi there... I can use excel on a basic level so I'm challenged here to use the correct terminology to describe my excel issue. I'm trying to do some analysis on data for a friend. I have a few pieces of data I'm trying to get so I'll start with the first one. All help will be gratefully appreciated.
From a filtered list of Type=P (Column G), I'm trying to get an average of total prices (column F) based on multiple rows of matching Invoice (Column A).
The data detail is line item invoice detail. I want to get an average for all invoices for amount and qty. An invoice can have multiple rows of detail (items) with different costs and quantities. The data shows 8 unique invoice numbers. I'm trying to get two numbers here but I believe the formula would be similar (_I believe_)
I've attached the file with calculations I've done by hand with the goal in the yellow boxes. Please let me know if I'm not clear enough.
Thanks so much in advance.