Not sure if this is even possible . . .
We have a Productivity report based on account balance and Days
The problem is that the detail data I have shows balances by Charge #, and not by account.
(One acct most of the time have multiple charge numbers, and each charge # has a balance).
What I need is to somehow sumarize balances by Account # and incorporate the following formula at the same time.
The formula should read something like this:
If Account Balance is <$2000 and Days Indicator is > 50 - Not Worked, otherwise Worked
If Account Balance is >$2001 and < $3500 and Days Indicator is > 40 - Not Worked, otherwise Worked
If Account Balance is >$3500 and Days Indicator is > 30 - Not Worked, otherwise Worked
In the example attached: Account balance would be $ 4600.00 and days are 0-30 , so it should read Worked.
Thank you for your help!