I was just wondering if this was possible, I have attached the Spreadsheet
I have created a spreadsheet which has a two times a start and a finish time for example starts at 09.00 and finishes at 10.00, Which is obviously 1 hour, But for some reason the report we run, sumtimes brings up for example 4.08 which is wrong,
So I did a formula D2-C2 which is were the two times are and it came up with 01.00.00 In Col J2 like you would excepet
I then did J2*24 which game me 1 In Col M2
I then did this formula =INT(M2)+(M2-INT(M2))/100*60 In Col K to work it out into 60S of a minute beacause the systems durations is 100 to a min,
I then in Col L put the formula =INT(E2)+(E2-INT(E2))/100*60 to convert the duration in coloum E into 60S instead of 100S
The probelm I'm having is that in col K it is showing 0.60 instead of 1 for an hour and in col L time duration it showing it as 1 instead of 0.60, I want to know how I can change col K to match col L with 1 in it and then I want to be able to check the two col against each other for example if Col K and L had different numbers in it would highlight it in say red, or in a coloum next to it says true etc
Booking Start Date Col C Booking Finish Date Col D Duration