I have a large complicated db but for the sake of simplicity i have attached a sample worksheet based on the structure of my original.
Please note you are not alowed to make ANY AMMENDMENTS to sheet 1. It can ONLY be used as a source of data.
I SIMPLY NEED THE 2 FORMULAS that go in cell F4 and G4 in sheet 2. HOWEVER please note that these cells should be dropdown lists so if in the cell F4 you choose MEAT the cell G4 should have dropdown list of mutton or chicken.
To help you along i figured out that cell A2 lists only those values in col B that have the corrsponding value "CATEGORY" in col c...easy.
Similarly the formula for cell G4 would list all the values from col B if the code in col D matches the code in col A for the chosen item in cell F4....not so easy.
I hope someone can write these 2 simple formulas bearing in mind that you cannot change the layout of the database sheet.
Thanks a million.