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Using vlookup to find a string from text and return a label

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Using vlookup to find a string from text and return a label

    Am a newbie here. I am looking for a VLOOKUP solution for the following problem:

    i have a column (A) which has text
    ROW---------column A
    1------------ATW AARPRE SENS2342
    2------------ECS DR SUNDMF 20112011 CAMS-2016642325
    3------------ECS DR TP DSPBRMF-2164359526
    4------------ECS DR IILECS - HDFC MF-2164501726
    5------------ATW-5264190205285926 -SAHAR PLAZA
    6------------CC 5243XXXXXXXX6511 autopay SI-TAD
    7------------MSTSal Nov 2011

    I want to lookup the following table - using the first 3 letters and also (in some cases another string) from column A and return the label in column H
    Column G Column H
    1---ATW--------------CASH WITHDRAWAL
    2---ECS SUND---------MF SUND FUND
    3---ECS DSP-----------MF DSP FUND
    4---ECS HDFC---------MF HDFC FUND
    5---CC 6511-----------CREDIT CARD 6511

    so that i get the following result
    column A----------------------------------------------------Column B
    ATW AARPRE SENS2342-------------------------------------------CASH WITHDRAWAL
    ECS DR SUNDMF 20112011 CAMS-2016642325-----------------MF SUND FUND
    ECS DR TP DSPBRMF-2164359526-------------------------------MF DSP FUND
    ECS DR IILECS - HDFC MF-2164501726------------------------- MF HDFC FUND
    ATW-5264190205285926 -SAHAR PLAZA-------------------------CASH WITHDRAWAL
    CC 5243XXXXXXXX6511 autopay SI-TAD-------------------------CREDIT CARD 6511
    MST Sal Nov 2011--------------------------------------------------SALARY

    As you can see i have a text string in A1:A7 and i want excel to return a label to column B1:B7.
    The labels depend on the one or two text strings that must be found in column A. The required text strings are shown in a table G1:H6
    So i need a vlookup function that searches one or two text strings and then looks up the table and returns the label required.
    The text string may be 3 alphabets alone, or the 3 plus another string somewhere in the middle

    Any help will be appreciated. I am attaching a sample excel file
    Last edited by bpuri; 12-31-2011 at 06:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Using vlookup to find a string from text and return a label

    Can you uplad example workbook? Your post is very fuzzy.
    Never use Merged Cells in Excel

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Using vlookup to find a string from text and return a label

    have uploaded a sample excel file

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