I'm working on a project for a company with 15 departments. I worked most of the small parts out but I'm wondering about the best way to design a user form. What I need is a simple input sheet where each department can, for a sake of argument assign a new sale. They would assign their name, department name cost of sale, profit of sale etc. and those numbers be automatically transferred to a bigger output sheet where the upper management can view them all.

The sales would also need to be edited, if at a later point they were to change. So basically I'm trying to design a input sheet where each department can assign new sales which move to a output sheet whilst also being update able at a later time(using something like sparklines to show the changes)

What would be the best way to design such a input sheet, is it possible do this with a user form? It's supposed to be as easy to work with as possible, so I would prefer to avoid using add-ins or complex procedures(for the ones assigning the sales, the programming can be complex)

Any tips?