I am currently writing code for a userform in Excel 2010 using visual basic. What I have in the userform is a textbox to enter a restriction such as office or warehouse. When the command button on the userform is executed then excel distributes the information in the userform to several spreadsheets. One of the spreadsheets is a name badge for the visitor. What I am having trouble with is this:
Currently when a restriction is entered in the userform, that same word or phrase is entered into a restrictions section on the name badge. What I want to happen though is if there is a restriction entered into the userform (anything at all) then a uppercase X will appear in the name badge spreadsheet in cell (13, 1). I have tried using if then statements but cannot seem to figure it out. Any help would be well appreciated!
I have attached the file if you would like to see my explanation in excel with the actual file.