I need help with setting a maximum amount allowed that can be entered into a cell-not to exceed $108720. The other cell has a formula based on salary $ x .6623/52- but I need to have a maximum of $750.
Thank you for your help!
I need help with setting a maximum amount allowed that can be entered into a cell-not to exceed $108720. The other cell has a formula based on salary $ x .6623/52- but I need to have a maximum of $750.
Thank you for your help!
Select the cell then go to Data > Data Validation > Custom in the formula field, enter =[cell address]<108720 (If A1 is the cell not to exceed 108720, then the enter =A1<108720
Thank you that worked for the cells I want to have an allowed maximimum entered. How do I make the maximum amount of a formula default to $750 if it adds up to more than $750?
= Min([Cell that is default to $750 if it is more than $750], 750)
That didnt work, can I show you the spread sheet?
Yeah, can you attach the file.
On Data validation select:
Allow: Whole Number
Data: Between
Minimum: Enter MIN number here
Maximum: Enter MAX number here.
Haseeb Avarakkan
"Feedback is the breakfast of champions"
I already have formulas in those cells but want to place a maximum default. Attached is the file sample.
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