hello all
struggling or rather wanting to make sure my logic in my formula is functioning correctly from the excel gurus.
basically im trying to modify payout for sales ppl
here is OLD payout breakdown
1st item sold = $50
any additional item = $10
(i.e. if 6 items sold, then (1*$50)+(5*$10)=$100
but NOW
1st item sold = $50
any additional item = $10
if in the month, items sold exceeds 11, then on the 12th item onwards payout is $75 (if month has 4 weeks)...and if month has 5 weeks, every 15th + item is $75
here is my formula
=IF(Q15<12,SUMPRODUCT(--('CSA Detail'!$D$15:$D$414=$P15),--('CSA Detail'!$E$15:$E$414=Q$14),'CSA Detail'!$K$15:$K$414),SUMPRODUCT(--('CSA Detail'!$D$15:$D$414=$P15),--('CSA Detail'!$E$15:$E$414=Q$14),'CSA Detail'!$K$15:$K$414)+(SUMPRODUCT(--($D$15:$D$414=$P15),--($E$15:$E$414=Q$14),--($J$15:$J$414))-VLOOKUP(Q$14,Lookup!$K$2:$M$13,3,FALSE))*'CSA Detail'!$D$8)
in my attached workbook...i have highlighted in red column S13 where i think my calculation is not working
can someone pls help!