Hi all,

I've defined cell F5 to give me an address based on some user input from other cells. Specifically, F5 = ADDRESS(MATCH(F1,$A:$A,0),2) & ":" & =ADDRESS(MATCH(F2,$A:$A,0),2).

So F5 returns something like $B$100:$B$200

I've created a named range called ISM that is refers to =INDIRECT(Sheet1!$F$5)

I know that this named range works because I can type =SUM(ISM) in another cell and it gives me the proper sum even when the user changes the values in cells F1 and F2.

However, when I try to put Sheet1!ISM into the series function of a chart, I get an error:
"A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references. Verify that your formulas contain a valid path, workbook, range name, and cell reference."

Any idea why this happens? According to this microsoft support article (towards the bottom), it says the named range should support the use of the "indirect" function.
