I'm trying to lock specific cells in a worksheet so that the formulas cannot be accidentally cleared by users but I want them to be able to copy a row of data which includes the locked cells and be able to insert a new row with all these formulas as new information is found.

I can manage to lock the cells I require and have the user changeable cells unlocked. the worksheet is then protected with my password no problem. When a user goes to copy a row that includes the cells that are locked, it won't allow the pasting action due to the cells being locked I believe.

Specifically - Cell A8 - L121 I would like to be editable by any user. Cell M8 - Q121 have my formulas that I have locked.

A user needs to be able to copy all the data in say, Row 121 and then insert this into row 122 (keeping all the forumulas the same but unlocked cells can be changed) and then add new information as required.

I can't seem to be able to do this do to the cells at the end of the row being protected. Is it something to do with the tick boxes in the protect sheet window and allowing certain rules?