I don't have much experience with formulas in excel, and have no macro experience, and need to be pointed in the right direction to find the information to solve the issue shown below. (I have searched but with no success as I am not sure what terms to be searching on.
Here is the issue.
My sisters doctor has asked her to keep track of all the food eaten by her son who is not very well.
She has to make sure he does not take more than a certain amount based on a percentage of his GDA for certain ingredients.
To save her having to manually write down and add up the information to track it, I thought an Excel spread sheet would help so that as she fed him (which has to be regularly through the day) she could simply enter the ingredients on a spread sheet and it would accumulate the results for her instantly as she entered them.
To do this I thought we could set up a spreadsheet as follows.
Sheet 1 contains the food details:
Col A is the name of the food.
Col B is the measurement (eg weight or ml)
Col C through Col L are the quantities of the relevant ingredients for the measurement entered in Col B.
Sheet 2 is where she enters details of what she has given him
Col A the name of the food
Col B the quantity given.
As she enters the name on sheet 2 in col A, all the details from columns C to L are inserted, factored by the measurement entered in Col B (relative to the measurement in Col B sheet 1)
EG Sheet one has 'Food A' with weight 100 in col B and a value of 300 in col C, nothing in the rest of the columns D to L.
On Sheet 2 she enters 'Food A' in column A, and the value '30' in column B, so automatically a value of 90 is entered in col C (ie 300/100 x 30). Zeros are put in columns D to L on sheet 2 as no value is entered in those columns on sheet one.
I trust this all makes sense.
It may be that there is a simple way to do this that I have missed in Excel already, or it may be a very difficult procedure to implement, but either way, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.