I need help regarding one of my report. Sorry I’m not able to attach file from office but I’m trying my best to explain the requirements.
I’ve one data sheet which is huge but for simplicity let’s say there are 4 columns Project No (combination of text and no)., Defects (text) , Doc Required by Date (date format) and Doc Received? (Yes or No)
Altogether I have 9 projects (Say P111 to P119) each having 100s of defects and for each defect there is a Doc required by date.
Now I need to count for each project how many documents are pending within next 7 days. Also I need to take into account that “Document Received” entry should be “No”. If it is “Yes” it should not be taken into account.
So what I think it’s actually a count if formula having 3 condition one for project no, one for due date and the last one for doc received = no. But I’m not able to implement this.
Any help will be much appreciated.
P.S although I’m using Office 2007 but I want it to be compatible with 2003 as well.