Hi all,
This is my first post ...
I hope to be able to share my knowledge.
My question is:
I would like to connect two cells together:
If you write in A1, the value is copied to B1
If you write in B1, the value is copied to A1
So the cells are "associated" each other.
Of course, you can put a formula in B1 as "= A1"
But you can not write in B1, because you will erase the formula.
So I wrote a simple macro using the event "Worksheet_Change" to copy the contents of a cell A in cell B and vice versa
but is there a way to do this without using a macro
Is there a way to do this with the graphical interface of Excel
Is there someone who has developed a plugin to do this
(I have a very complex Excel workbook, and I have to "associate" a large number of cells)
I think it should be a feature in the next version of Excel ...
A simple exemple in attached file
Thanks !