im in the middle of a project and im basically trying to take it one stage at a time, because im new to the this "new fandangled, excel whatsit". at the moment im trying to make a spinner button provide me with the total amount of sales of a certain product, by just multiplying for example £3.51 by 2. ive being doing some googling and ive come across what seems to be a response by someone answering such a question, but the answer given assumes that a layman such as myself, could fill the blanks.
I can set up a spin button with whole numbers but I need to do it to decimal points 0.1, 0.2 etc, can you help?
I have tried but it reverst to one every time.
The spinner control will only do whole numbers - I would suggest that you link this to a cell that isn't used in the formula, and probably set to invisible by using white text on white background(hiding behind the control would be a good place) and then having your formula take that cell divided by 10 as it's value - that way, the spinner will still give you the results you need.