I am about ready to tear my hair out. I need some help creating a pivot table and charting it.
I have two columns. The first column (A) is Purchase Amount. It is a list of 4656 different numbers that are different purchase amounts.
The second column (B) is State. It is a list of what state each purchase came from, and once again it has 4656 values, for each purchase must have a state where it came from.
It looks something like this:
445.10 AK
39.40 AK
40.50 AK
204.20 AL
201.40 AL
...and so on.
How do I get this into a pie chart, where I can take the sum of all purchases in each state and compare them to the totals of other states?
I would like to create a chart where it would say that Alaska has $525 in total purchases, which comprises 10% of all sales of all states.