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Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

  1. #1
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    Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    Hi all,

    This is my first post on the forums, so I apologise in advance for any mistakes when trying to describe the problem I have. I will try to be as thorough as I can.

    If possible, I am looking for a formula that will ignore any data entered after the current projected qualifying date. I say current because the projected date could change based on information entered before it. Before I try to go into more detail, here is some useful information to take into account;

    > The start date is 03/10/2011
    > The member of staff needs to complete 12 weeks (84 calendar days) to qualify.
    > Earliest qualifying date is 26/12/2011
    > Sick days and annual leave will ‘pause’ the qualifying period.

    I have attached an example workbook so you can see the layout and how I will enter the data. Unfortunately, the calendar must stay in the same format.

    So, each day of the month is represented by a different cell.

    If the cell is blank, this counts towards the qualifying period. If ‘h’ or‘s’ (holiday or sick) is entered, the qualifying period is paused for 1 day.

    Now the problem is, as mentioned before, I need this formula to ignore anything after the projected qualifying date, but bare in mind this date could change based on the data that is entered before it. The reason for this is because as shown in example 1 on the spreadsheet, the member of staff has had no sick days/holidays so my current formula shows a projected qualifying date of 26/12/2011, which I know is correct.

    However, in example 2 the member of staff, as per example 1, also has no sick days/holidays between 03/10/2011 and 25/12/2011, so the qualifying date should also be 26/12/2011. As you can see though, they are going on holiday the week after 01/01/2012. This should not affect the qualifying date as it has already passed, but my current formula pushes that date back by 5 days to 31/12/2011, which I don’t want it to. It should have stopped on 26/12/2011.

    This is the current formula I use, entered as an array formula (Ctrl+shft+Ent):

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    This will bring back the total number of holidays and sick days. In the adjacent cell my formula is:

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    As I know for certain the earliest qualifying date is 26/12/2011, all I need to do is add the sum of the first formula onto that date for my current projected date.

    So to summarise, using the above formula, or a completely new one, I need something that will not count data after the current projected date. I thought that maybe I could use a couple of different formulas, as I’m not sure if you can reference the same cell in a formula, so if you think it needs to be broken down some more, that is fine. However the fewer cells used, the better.

    I hope this makes sense to someone out there.

    I am really grateful to anyone for even taking the time to attempt to come up with a solution. I am not very experience with excel so am stuck for ideas now.

    Many thanks.
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    Last edited by MDBaker85; 10-25-2011 at 10:39 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    hi sir,

    this is just a quick suggestion (cause i'm in a middle of working on my report when I saw your post...Ü).
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    Last edited by kenkie; 10-25-2011 at 09:21 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    Hi kenkie,

    Many thanks for your quick reply.

    Unfortunately I changed the 2nd code as suggested, but I still have the same problem. Tried entereing 'h' or 's' into the cells from 26/12/2011 onwards, and it was still pushing the qualifying date back.

  4. #4
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    This is a bit of a tricky one, isn't it?

    I'd say that you need a macro solution, if that would be acceptable. However, your diary doesn't have a year reference, which is going to complicate matters.

    Are you happy to do this with a macro, because I can't see any way that you can do it with standard formula in any sort of manageable way.

  5. #5
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    Hi Andrew-R,

    Thanks for taking the time out to reply to me.

    I dont have much experience with macros. The only time I have used them was to create a button and assign a macro to redirect to another sheet within the workbook. I am always looking for new things to learn though so would be open to suggestions.

    Also, if you think adding a year reference somewhere in the sheet would help, by all means do so. The only thing I really need to keep the same is the range of cells (B6:AF10). Dates etc, can be placed elsewhere in the sheet if needed.

  6. #6
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    How about this worksheet function ...

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    You can insert this straight into your existing VBA module and lets you use =IncrementEndDate as a worksheet function.

    The parameters are:

    =INCREMENTENDDATE(<Range of calendar>,<Base qualifying date>,<Calendar start date>)

    So =INCREMENTENDDATE(B17:AF21,"27/12/2011","01/10/2011") gives me the correct result.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert daddylonglegs's Avatar
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    Here's a formula solution.

    I changed the dates in column A so they are actual dates - each one should show the 1st of the month, e.g. 1-Oct-2011......but that is formatted as "mmm" to show as "Oct" etc.

    Also I made 31-Nov black like 30 + 31 Feb (because that isn't a valid date).

    For my solution to work these three cells should also be filled with something (I used "x")

    Assuming that you only enter "h" and "s" in holiday and sick days this formula should be sufficient for counting absent days


    and you can use this "array formula" for the qualifying date


    confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

    See attached
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  8. #8
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    Hi again,

    That is an extremely helpful response

    However, due to my own ignorance and inexperience, I dont know how to insert that into a VBA module? Are you able to explain how I can do this, or point me in the direction where I can find out?

    Once again, I really appreciate your time.

  9. #9
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.

    Unless you would rather go with DLL formula solution then:

    1. With your workbook open press Alt-F11 to open the VB editor
    2. In the left hand pane double-click on Module1
    3. Scroll down to the bottom
    4 Paste in the code I posted above
    5. Close the VB editor

    Job done.

  10. #10
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    Re: Formula to ignore data entered after the current projected qualifying date.



    Seriously, i'm not even sure how you figured that out, but that does exactly what I need, thank you so so much. I should've come on here days ago.


    Thank you millions for that, that also does exactly what I needed.

    I don't think I have ever come across a more helpful community on the internet.

    I'm spoilt for choice now!!
    Last edited by MDBaker85; 10-25-2011 at 10:37 AM.

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