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Excel 2007 : Sequence Function

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Sequence Function

    'Ello everyone,

    New to the forums and to VBA; however, I am trying to write a function that takes a row of data, and generates a cell with the sequence of how the data occurred with the lowest data value being the starting index (#1, then #2 would be the next highest, and so forth).

    The function I'm trying to create:
    Takes a row of data with several columns (not every column has numbers),
    Removes the duplicates,
    Sorts from low to high then assigns each number an index number (1...n),
    Then displays an one cell output matching the index number up with the original row's occurrence..

    Original row: 1234.45, 4567.123, 5678.45, 453.23, 3213.12, 1234.45, 4567.123

    (internal function information, not to be displayed)
    Unique numbers: 453.23,1234.45, 3213.12, 4567.123, 5678.45
    Index: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    (output to be displayed)
    Final Result: 2-4-5-1-3-2-4

    ^ This is how the the data occurred in the row.

    I've already attempted to try and create my own little VBA function but unfortunately at this is my first try I am struggling heavily. I can't seem to figure out how to even get the selected row to remove the duplicate numbers.

    Function UniqueItems(Nums As Variant)
        ' can't figure out how to get the UBound to work properly w/o transpose
        Dim UB As Integer
        Dim LB As Integer
        UB = UBound(Application.Transpose(Nums), 1)
        LB = LBound(Application.Transpose(Nums), 1)
        ' Unique() = Unique Values
        ' User can only have 1 row selected at a time, ~infinite amount of columns.
        If Application.Caller.Rows.Count > 1 Then
            UniqueItems = CVErr(xlErrRef)
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Setup some array, variables
        Dim Unique() As Variant
        Dim N As Integer
        Dim P As Integer
        Dim Nbr As Integer
        P = 0
        ReDim Unique(P)
        ' not sure what exactly I am donig here but its cool.
        For N = 1 To UB
            Nbr = Nums(N)
            If WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(Nbr) = True Then
                If Unique(0) = "" Then
                    Unique(0) = Nbr
                    If WorksheetFunction.Match(Nbr, Unique, 0) = "" Then
                        ReDim Preserve Unique(P)
                        Unique(P) = Nbr
                    End If
                End If
                P = P + 1
                UniqueItems = CVErr(xlErrNum)
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next N
        UB = UBound(Application.Transpose(Unique), 1)
        LB = LBound(Application.Transpose(Unique), 1)
        ' Display the end result
        ' Saddly, I can't get anything to work.
        UniqueItems = Unique(1)
        ' The output doesn't work.... nothing is stored in unique 1.
    End Function

    I'm looking for just general help. I'm a complete VBA newb and i'm not sure even I'm even pursing this the best way.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Sequence Function

    Hi, and welcome to the forum. I'll try and help you out with this, but I need to start with a question.


    Quote Originally Posted by gpx6 View Post
    Removes the duplicates
    Doesn't match this ...

    Quote Originally Posted by gpx6 View Post
    (output to be displayed)
    Final Result: 2-4-5-1-3-2-4

    If you're removing the duplicates how can you have the same index number returned twice? Which way round do you want it - with duplicates or without?

    Anyway, while you think on that have a look at this, which is nearly, but not quite, what you're after ...

    Function Sequence(rngSourceRange As Range, Optional sDelimiter = "-") As String
    Dim sTmpReturn As String
    Dim rngLoop As Range
    Dim lRank As Long
    sTmpReturn = "-"
    For Each rngLoop In rngSourceRange.Cells
      If IsNumeric(rngLoop.Value) And rngLoop.Value <> "" Then
        lRank = WorksheetFunction.Rank(rngLoop.Value, rngSourceRange, 1)
        sTmpReturn = sTmpReturn & Trim(Str(lRank)) & "-"
        End If
    Next rngLoop
    If Len(sTmpReturn) > 1 Then
      sTmpReturn = Mid(sTmpReturn, 2, Len(sTmpReturn) - 2)
      sTmpReturn = Replace(sTmpReturn, "-", sDelimiter)
      sTmpReturn = ""
    End If
    Sequence = sTmpReturn
    End Function

  3. #3
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    Re: Sequence Function

    Thank for your help! I tried out your code and it did exactly what I wanted to do! I'll definitely be using it as a future reference when trying to build more functions.

    The sequence is actually based on the original selection of data in the sheet. I was simply trying to remove any duplicate data, then assign each one an index. I'm trying to track the order of how something occurred within the row. =)
    Last edited by gpx6; 10-19-2011 at 09:05 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Sequence Function

    I have one more question... I am having a problem. I tried modifying the VBA script to take the information (copied the for each rngLoop), truncating that data to 1 number past the decimal point, then finding the rank of each cell (truncated to #.x as well) versus the newly truncated data.

    Unfortunately, I am not a pro at this whatsoever.

    Example of what I'm trying to do:

    row: 123.23, 456.56, 789.98, 123.25, 456.69, 789.75

    Would like to give the sequence based on truncated numbers instead of the whole numbers. As the above example would give a sequence of:


    Where as by using truncated data ( to ###.x) , It would return what a more fitting sequence of:


    I tried to put all the truncated data into a single array but that hasn't worked yet. I figured I would need to modify:

    lRank = Worksheetfunction.Rank(WorksheetFunction.Trunc(rngLoop.Value,1), rngSourceRange, 1)

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