Last week my excel began to open with an extra page that included 2 windows with codes and a small error window. The small error window states that there is error with visual basic (compile error)(cant find project or library). After i click ok it allows me to see one of the 2 windows for power translator.xla showing code. The first is for (Module1 Code). This is the code in that window.
Private Obj As LogoMediaDotNetAddInLib.LMDNAddIn
Private a() As Variant
Sub AutoExit()
ReDim a(1)
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.OnDisconnection(RemoveMode:=ext_dm_HostShutdown, custom:=a)
Set Obj = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AutoExec()
ReDim a(1)
Set Obj = CreateObject("LogoMediaDotNetAddIn.LMDNAddIn")
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.OnConnection(Application:=Excel.Application, ConnectMode:=2, AddInInst:=Obj, custom:=a)
End Sub
Sub TranslateAll()
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.TranslateAllClick
End Sub
Sub TranslateSel()
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.TranslateSelClick
End Sub
Sub LPChange()
Dim a As String
a = Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Tag
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.LangPairChange(Tag:=a)
End Sub
Sub LPShow()
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.ShowLP(x:=Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Left, y:=Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Top + Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Height)
End Sub
After I close that window the second is for (ThisWorkbook Code). This is the code that is shown in that window.
'Other variables
Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(cancel As Boolean)
Call AutoExit
End Sub
Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()
Call AutoExit
End Sub
Sub Workbook_Open()
Call AutoExec
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_AddInInstall()
Call AutoExec
End Sub
After i close that window. There is a completely blank (Black screen) excel page... When try to close the blank page a small window appears asking me if it is ok to (Stop the debugger) After I close that i can use an excel page normally. (this page has been hiding behind all the other pages and windows)
When I am finished with the work i am doing and i try to close the excel page.... Another black excel page open with another window showing code and another error window that says (microsoft visual basic(compile error) (cant find project or library) After i close that error window I have another window there that is showing code for powere translator.xla (Module1 Code) Here is the codes.
Private Obj As LogoMediaDotNetAddInLib.LMDNAddIn
Private a() As Variant
Sub AutoExit()
ReDim a(1)
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.OnDisconnection(RemoveMode:=ext_dm_HostShutdown, custom:=a)
Set Obj = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AutoExec()
ReDim a(1)
Set Obj = CreateObject("LogoMediaDotNetAddIn.LMDNAddIn")
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.OnConnection(Application:=Excel.Application, ConnectMode:=2, AddInInst:=Obj, custom:=a)
End Sub
Sub TranslateAll()
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.TranslateAllClick
End Sub
Sub TranslateSel()
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.TranslateSelClick
End Sub
Sub LPChange()
Dim a As String
a = Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Tag
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.LangPairChange(Tag:=a)
End Sub
Sub LPShow()
If Not Obj Is Nothing Then Call Obj.ShowLP(x:=Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Left, y:=Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Top + Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Height)
End Sub
Now after i close that code window.... it has still the black Excel page..... when i try to close that i get a small error window again that pops up for microsoft visual basic the says the operation will stop the debugger....and asks me if that is OK......After i click OK everything closes at the same time including the excel page i was doing my work in...........
I have not made any changes to my system or to excel yet this started happening a week ago........
My pc operates with windows 7
Microsoft office 2007
Can anyone please help me here to stop these extra windows showing when i need to use excel?
I am American living in thailand and the technicians here have not been able to resolve this..... they have even tried to reinstall excel into my pc....
Any help would be greatly appreciated....