Need help cropping text. I have the following text in cells and i'm trying to get just the names....basically everything before the space and the comma... Help is appreciated!
Andrew , 123 Main Street
Jill , 456 1st Street
Brian , 789 Last Street
Need help cropping text. I have the following text in cells and i'm trying to get just the names....basically everything before the space and the comma... Help is appreciated!
Andrew , 123 Main Street
Jill , 456 1st Street
Brian , 789 Last Street
If data is in A2 down try this formula in B2 copied down
Audere est facere
try formula:
=LEFT(A2,FIND(" ,",A2)-1)
where A2 has first string.
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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Both formulas will work. You guys rock!
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