Hey guys,
I have a project I am working on for a class and it is killing me. I have tried some different ideas, but I have yet to figure out how to do it. I am going to do the best I can to explain it and hopefully you guys can help me out!
So have a large data set that has all the info from a marathon race including times/ethnicity/age/and so on. It is rather fictional, because the teacher made it. Each row is one person and has all their information on it. My assignment is rather specific. It is to make a sheet that can take all this data and return only runners that were 35 years old, male, and (Three different options of "overweight, healthy, and underweight" and display the difference between their two finishing times.
I know that it is going to be a conditional that matches the age, gender, and selection of health, but then I need it to subtract one cell in that row to the matching cell for the matching runner.
Any help would be great. Thanks guys!!