I have Column G that has some cells that are missing text. I would like Column G to replace an cells that have are missing text with the text from Column C in that respective row. Is that easy to do?
I have Column G that has some cells that are missing text. I would like Column G to replace an cells that have are missing text with the text from Column C in that respective row. Is that easy to do?
Last edited by Will D; 10-13-2011 at 11:06 AM.
could you attach a sample with what you have and what your result should be?
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Column C
Row 1- Abc
2- Def
3- Ghi
4- Jkl
5- Mno
6- Pqr
7- Stu
8- Vwx
9- Yz
Column G
Row 1- Ab
3- G
4- Jk
6- Pq
8- V
Results (in red):
Column G
Row 1- Ab
2- Def
3- G
4- Jk
5- Mno
6- Pq
7- Stu
8- V
9- Yz
Does that make sense? If a cell in Column G is empty, then it needs to be replaced with the text in Column C from the respective row in Column C.
You need to temporarily add a helper column with a formula.
E.g. =IF(G2="",C2,G2)
copied down.
Then you can copy this column, go to column G and Paste Special | Values over column G.
Then delete the helper column.
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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NBVC, you just beat me... I was going to post the same thing.
I don't quite understand what to do. Is it possible to add 1 formula to an entire column? Or do I need to add a formula to each row?
You add it once in in row 2, then copy the formula down. You click and drag the little black square at the bottom right corner of the cell with formula.
Incredible. It worked. Can you explain the formula so that I will understand it in the future?
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