Nope it didn't work in the formula "Column (A1),1,1) ". It does display the correct Cell Address but only if the coordinates were in Column A, in column 1, row 1. Sorry that I didn't make it clear. However, If 2,-4 was not in Cell A1, and B1 it would display the wrong Cell Address. The formula that you gave me is like entering where you already know it is.

It has to search for the x,y coordinates (in columns A and B) and when it does, it displays the Cell Address that matched the axis 2,-4. The actual spreadsheet which I am working has 200 cells in Column A and 200 cells in Column B.

So when I enter 2 in Cell C1 and enter -4 in Cell D1. In cell E1 and F1 (where the formulas should be) it will search (x,y) in Column A and Column B to see if it matches (x,y) in C1 and D1. If it does, it displays the Cell Address in E1 and F1. So if it found it on A24 and B24 then in Cell E1 it will display $A$24 and in Cell F1 is will display $B$24. Hope I didn't make it confusing. Sincerely, Arthur. Please help again.