AD3= number of games played (between 0-5)
AE3= Winning percentage (between 0%-100%)
AF3= =IF(AD3=0," ",IF(AND(AE3=100%,AD3=5),"Perfect","-"))
AG3= =IF(AD3=0," ",IF(AND(AE3=100%,AD3<5),"S Perfect","-"))
Goal1: if there are no games played (AD3) then I want both AF3 and AG3 to display " " (blank)
Goal2: if 5 games are played (AD3) and all 5 games are won (AE3) with a winning percentage of 100% then I want AF3 to display "Perfect"
Goal3: If less than 5 games are played (AD3) and all those games are won (AE3) with a winning percentage of 100% then I want AG3 to display "S Perfect"
Goal4: If any number of games are lost and AE3 does not equal 100% then both AF3 and AG3 should display "-" to indicate that games were played however there was at least one loss that resulted in 100% in cell AE3 not being achieved
ULTIMATE GOAL: I have managed to get AF3 and AG3 to work exactly the way that I want them to work however now i am wanting to see if there is a way for me to combine the function of both cells (AF3 & AG3) into the same cell and display ( " ", "Perfect", "S Perfect", and "-" ) appropriately.
I have a feeling that I am exceeding what excel is capable of doing but I have to ask this question to be sure.
If anyone can help I would be greatly appreciative.