I am working on an employee bonus sheet. If the amount is greater than zero, than they get a bonus, but if it is less than, they just get zero (not negative).
However, when I tried to enter a formula for this, I got a circular reference warning b/c the cell I'm referencing in the formula is the cell it is in.
Also, I want it it to display $0.00 if no text entered and if less than zero.
There is already a formula in the cell to figure out the amount of the bonus, and I've put it a formula to show $0.00.
This formula is in H491
So can I put if (G491-8000)/1000*2.2 is less than zero, show zero. And if no data in G, or if zero or less than zero, show $0.00 ?
Thank you
The replies worked, I've given good reputation and am marking this as solved, thank you so much!