Ok heres the problem.. I have 2 databases

Database 1:
I have a list of around 400 patients and the medication these patients were on whilst in hospital

Database 2: I've been given another database on the same patients where they have been followed up once they left the hospital (at either 12 months, 24months or 36months). Information in this database includes how well they are coping functionally.

I need to combine these two databases! I'm not sure how to do this! Pivot Table, Consolidate??


Database 1: Patients can be in this more than the one time; because patients may have been admitted to hospital more than once

Database 2: Patients are in this database more than the one time; because the same data is collected at 12, 24, and 36 months. This means each patient can have up to three rows belonging to them.

Common fields to both database are the admission / discharge date, as well as a unique ID number which is assigned to each patient. How can I combine these two databases?
