You can use the following. Here I've named three ranges Range1, Range2, Range3 in Name Manager.
I'm assuming also that all values are your ranges have to be >=0? If yes, the following will work.
=IF(SUM(Range1) + SUM(Range2) + SUM(Range3) = 0, "", (SUM(Range1) + SUM(Range2) + SUM(Range3))/(COUNTIF(Range1, ">0") + COUNTIF(Range2, ">0") + COUNTIF(Range3, ">0")))
If, however, you have values that are < 0, you should instead do...
=IF(COUNTIF(Range1, "<>0") + COUNTIF(Range2, "<>0") + COUNTIF(Range3, "<>0") = 0, "", (SUM(Range1) + SUM(Range2) + SUM(Range3))/(COUNTIF(Range1, "<>0") + COUNTIF(Range2, "<>0") + COUNTIF(Range3, "<>0")))
since otherwise you could have a range of values that sum to 0 but all are non-zero. In the first example, the formula wouldn't calculate this, but in the second example, it would give the correct average of 0.
Is this what you were looking for?