Hello Friends!
I need to test various parameter combinations of a model I built in Excel. I have been thinking of using a macro to run through all combinations of say tree cells (e.g. A1 (1 to 20), B2 (1 to 5) and C4(1 to 3)) – all in all 300 combinations in this example. I think I might need to add more parameters to test so I think a macro would be limiting (which would need to be recorded to add the ability to loop through more inputs). I have been thinking of using Monte Carlo simulation software for EXCEL. I have studied Palisade Risk, Frontline Risk Solver Pro and Oracle Crystal Ball and strangely enough NONE of those products allows to test ALL parameter combinations of the input variables in a model. Yes they allow all kinds of the random sampling of the parameter set universe but that is not applicable in my situation where I need exhaustive testing of ALL parameter combinations (at each run a whole set of stats needs to be copied to another sheet). I wonder if there is software that does this exhaustive test of inputs?
I would be happy to hear any suggestion!
Thanks a lot for your time!