Hi terry (my assumption),
The problem is to find some rule that works for all your example data. You had two extra commas in your third example from the original post so that kept us from using them (the commas) to break up your string. The formula I gave was a hopeful hack. It looks like you used DLL's formula for the real work.
My formula started 10 characters from the end of the string, looking for a comma. I didn't know if it would work for every last word. It did work for "QUEBEC". After finding the last comma, the -7 jumped back to the front of the Postal Code and the +7 grabbed 7 letters, which should be the Postal Code.
My formula falls apart if the last word is St-Augustin-de-Desmaures as it is longer than 10 letters.
If the commas are like the most recent example, try this mamoth formula, If it works I can explain what it does.