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Setting up a project

  1. #1
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    Setting up a project


    I'm an elementary school teacher, and this year I'm in charge of keeping behavior data with in our school.

    My approach to this project was to use several workbooks:

    1. One workbook with a master list for the whole school.
    2. A separate workbook for each teacher to record there student's behavior. The student's names would be linked to the master workbook list, so I don't have to keep coping names.

    I need to know:

    1. Is this the best way to do this in excel?
    2. I need the list to be able to reference rows as I add and delete students. I'm not sure which formula to use.

    Any suggestions would be great, Thank you!!;

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi bighop and welcome to the forum,

    I would not use separate workbooks but a single workbook with a sheet of all student names. Then, if needed a sheet for each teacher.

    I'd even consider using a single sheet for student names to use as a lookup list and another single sheet for all the rest of the data. Instead of having a separate sheet for each teacher, you could have a column with teacher's names.

    Pivot Tables or filtering would then allow you to do your reports and collect the information.

    Using different workbooks and even different worksheets reduces the power Excel has with tables and formulas.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Thank you for the help.

    I'm in a small school (4th through 6th grade). So the reason I wanted to use separate sheet is that we will record data for behavior each week. (about 35 weeks) Do you think it would be better to have the weeks just keep going off to the right, and have a tab for each teacher? (9 teachers in all)

    I didn't realize that more workbooks slow down excel. I was also going to use a separate workbook as a summary book to make the reports out of.

    Thanks again,


  4. #4
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi Andy,

    I used to teach so I kind of understand the process. I'd have a list of students and a list of teachers and use them for validation lookup to fill in some fields.

    Does every teacher give each student a behavior grade for each week? I'm not sure how you are thinking of setting up your table.

    I'd do a single table on a single sheet with these columns:
    WeekNumber, TeacherName, StudentName, BehaviorScore

    Then a pivot table would allow me to filter and sort and sum the data.

    It would be interesting to compare different teachers along with different students.

    If it was a Jr High or HS I'd add a column for Period number so I could track which period was the most behavior problem prone.

  5. #5
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Yes, each teacher will keep track of the students behavior each week. I will be inputting the data into the spread sheet, and making reports though out the year. So each teacher will have about 175 days worth of data. The last teacher who did this made each month a tab, again it makes for a big workbook.

    Also, as you know, kids come and go, so the list would have to be updated. That is why I was looking into one master list, so it could be updated once, and link up to the other sheets.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project


    I can't recommend enough you keeping all your data on a single sheet. Find attached a sample Pivot Table that shows just one possibility of reports. If you change the order of Week, Teacher, Student in the Rows, or move them to the filter section of the pivot list you can really see the power of your data collection efforts. If you keep them in different sheets or (worse) different workbooks you can't do this great Excel Pivot reports.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Thanks for the example, that really helps!

    My school is small, about 300 students total.

    1. So a list of the student's name, the section number (determines what teacher they have) male, female, race, etc on one tab.

    2. List of the teachers on another tab,

    3. List of the behavior one a third tab (this will have to scroll to the right for all the months of school)

    4. Table and summary on the 4th tab

    I'm getting this. I can sort the grade levels by section, then name, so it will be easier to enter the information each day.

    I should have mentioned that I am using 2003 (my school is anyway) should have stated that before.

    Thank you,

  8. #8
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi bighop,

    If you are entering these behavior numbers each day, I'd change the Week/Day column to the DATE of the behavior. In excel Pivot Tables you can make the dates be rows or columns and you can group them by week, month or year.

    I would NOT scroll the dates to the right on a third sheet. I'd repeat the student names like my example.

    See attached with more examples of possible pivots
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    Last edited by MarvinP; 09-05-2011 at 10:32 PM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Thank you Marivn!

    This is what I need. We are entering data at the end of the week. Each point falls under a category: Respect, Responsibility, etc. There are different codes under each one:

    Forgetting homework would be a point, but under responsibility
    Taking back to a teacher would be under respect

    So I need points for a week, listing the code for what the student did, and then under a category where it falls.

    I have to review the pivot table again.

    Thank you

  10. #10
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    Re: Setting up a project


    Attached is a format I may have to work with this year.

    I'm not able to make a pivot table out of this:

    Each day, students start fresh with 7 points. So I need to track points for each day, and there are 7 ways to get points.

    I also need to keep track of the behavior. That is on the code tab

    The summary will keep track of the points for the month.

    I need to break this data down to grade level, gender and by teacher. I don't think I have this table set up correctly.

    Any help is welcomed!

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  11. #11
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hey Andy,

    A few things.
    1. A full name on the September sheet would be better. You can leave First and Last but do a formula for Full. If you have a full name you can do a lookup to fill in Teacher and M/F.
    2. Merged Cells are most always a bad idea. It is harder to deal with for formulas and code. This would be you column heads of dates.
    3. I'd suggest using lookup tables and validation to make the data entry a lot easier.
    4. I would not do a sheet for each month. I'd build a single table as shown on the Suggestion Tab.

    I hope this gives you some ideas.
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  12. #12
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Marvin you are a big help, I really appreciate your input!

    At my school each day, a student can earn up to 7 points. If they earn 7 they are suspended.

    So that's why I set up the column like that, so I can place in the points for that student. Each teacher (9 in all) will have a point sheet (I attached the one we are using) so they can track there student's points for the week.

    I take that sheet and enter the data.... so if a student "Bob" has a bad day... he may have 2, 3, 4, or 7 points on Monday. However on Tuesday, he will start fresh with no points.

    I was also trying to keep track of students with no points as well (it's always good to publish the numbers of your good students, not bad) and students who behave also receive awards as well.

    That's why this set up was getting to me. So if I follow your suggestion, I each week I would have dates, (or a date at the end of the week) the student's name, code and behavior. The following week Date, code, Behavior, etc.correct?

    So I was trying to list the student once and the behavior each week, so I should list the student each time there was a behavior issue.

    I think I'm getting this... So how do i'm not clear out I enter students each time I need to add there name, drop down?

    Thanks again,

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  13. #13
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Oooohhhhh wait.... I wouldn't go to the right, I would keep adding students down. Duh....

  14. #14
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    Re: Setting up a project


    The set up you suggested will work. I have hopefully the last two questions about this:

    1. I need a way to see what students have NOT received any points. So is there a way to sort or filter who has not received any points?

    2. Can the pivot table view date ranges? I need to have a range of data for each quarter, or would I just select the data in that range when I set up the table?

    Thank you again, this saved me this year!

  15. #15
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi bighop,

    1. For students with no points and don't have a name in the Suggest tab, here is how to grab them. There are two different ways. On the Lookup Tab next to all students name create a formula to countif times there names are on the Suggest Tab. Or, add each students name to the Suggest tab with no code. You could then filter all students with count of code equal 1.

    2. Pivot Tables can be grouped using Year, Quarter, Month or number of day ranges. See http://www.contextures.com/xlPivot07.html or http://www.pivot-table.com/pivot-tab...by-fiscal-year

    For another hint. As you add rows of data onto your Suggest Tab you will want the rows handled in the Pivot Table to grow automatically. Excel has a feature called Dynamic Named Ranges that will be helpful. See: http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/DynamicRanges.htm or http://www.contextures.com/xlNames01.html

  16. #16
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Thanks Marvin,

    I tired the countif formula, however it appears I would a have to add each name in the range. I was hoping for a quicker method. (I may be doing this wrong too) However if I enter each student, I can just view another report to see the results. I guess I don't want to key in 300 names. (lazy I guess)

    I like the expanding ranges, and I have to check out the dates, I was just going to sort by dates but your method will work great.

    Thanks again,


  17. #17
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Last edited by bighop; 09-13-2011 at 07:18 PM.

  18. #18
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hey Marvin,

    Attached is the first week of keeping track of behavior. It is a little time consuming entering data, but the table works out great. I attached a copy.

    I have a question(S)

    1. I'm not getting how to do a date range with this. I just entered the last day of the week and the behavior. I don't get the data until the end of the week, and trying to figure out each day as I was entering data was not working. I need to figure out how to group data by weeks, or quarters.

    2. Is there a way to automatically add a cell function to the next row when I hit the enter key?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  19. #19
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    Re: Setting up a project

    The attachment didn't take... what gives?

  20. #20
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Try zipping them first and then upload.

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  21. #21
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Let me try this again...
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  22. #22
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi Andy,

    To do a group by Date, in the Pivot Table List, Pull the Date off of the Report Filter and put it in a Row Labels box above the student name.

    Lets make data entry a lot easier. I'd make the student column on the Data tab a Validatiaon Lookup. Then when you type a student it will autofill in his/her name after a few letters. I'd also fill in all the Dates after entering in the codes. There are some other tricks for entering data but see if Validation helps first. If a student has 5 infractions enter him once and then click Ctrl C to copy his name in the clipboard and then select the 4 blank cells below him and press ctrl-v to paste him 7 times. There are other ways but try this first.

  23. #23
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi Marvin,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I will try the date set up. I thought I had the last and first names set up as a v look up. I type in the full name and it finds it. I didn't even think of copy and paste...

    I'm almost wondering if this is a better job for filemaker pro... maybe I'll try data basing this thing too.

    Thanks again,

  24. #24
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hey Andy,

    I used to work for PFS:File in the 80's and am supprised FileMaker Pro is still around. My expierence, after leaning 80% of all the released software from 1985 to 2005, it - there is too much to learn. You need to stick with the software that you can grow with and will continue to survive. Excel has longer longevity and does so much more than FMP. Also - if you were to expand into other areas, Excel is better on your resume that FMP.

    If you were thinking of FMP then you can use the Forms... dialog build into Excel. See.
    http://www.bettersolutions.com/excel...O811313441.htm for how it works.

  25. #25
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hey Marvin,

    Well it's been three weeks now and the system you helped me set up is working out great!

    I attached a copy it. My principal likes the reports, as does the staff. I make a complete one for the principal, and a class report for each teacher.

    Now I have to do more with this... I hope you can help:

    I need to be able to see every month, and every card marking which kids don't have any points.

    I also need to account for students who move. I don't just want to delete them from the system, I need to subtract them from the main count on the class totals tab. Students who move have to be removed form the total count, but also from the teacher's class count.

    Any advice would be great.


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  26. #26
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi Andy,

    I'm glad things are working. On the Student List Tab your Moved column should be Active/Inactive. You should put an A for all current students and an I for those who have left or moved. Then include this data on the Data Tab. Most all will be A and a very few inactive. Then add a filter to the Pivot Table to show A or I or All. This way you can filter the Pivot Table data to only show Active students.

    You can select a single month by using the Date Filter above your pivot table. Simply click on the dates you want to include in the Pivot Table. That should take care of that.

    For the students without any problems you need a new play. Add all students to the Data tab and give this a special date, like 1/1/11. Don't put any codes for them on this date. This will then give you a complete list of students. Now when you do your reports you will have students names with no codes the will show correctly.

    I hope this all makes sense.

  27. #27
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    Re: Setting up a project

    Hi Marvin,

    I think I'm getting this.... Adding the Active and inactive worked great.

    For students without points I think I have it: I used the auto filter under the data tab to filter out the months I want. Then in the student tab I used a countif function, it seems to work as long as the range is set to the area that is shown after the filtering.

    I'm not able to pick more than one date on my excel. I'm using a mac at home with 2008 (Getting the upgade this weekend) and work is still on 2003. However I think I can use the same procedure and make a new piviot table.

    Thanks for you help.


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