Hey all,
I need to show some numbers (which are in billions) in a small table. The table is being fed from other sheets and when consolidated, the number shows up like 4.123456667E+11, while i just need to show the main rounded figure as 412.
So i did a simple 'left(C17,3)' to get the proper figure, but the trouble was some numbers were in the tens of billions (41) while some were in the hundreds (411). For this I did a nestled 'if' function whereby the figure was rounded off to either two or three digits according to year
{The data shows volumetric progression quarter-wise over the course of multiple years, here's the formula entered: =+IF($C$17=2008,LEFT(C19,2),IF($C$17=2009,LEFT(C19,2),IF($C$17=2010,LEFT(C19,3),IF($C$17=2011,LEFT(C19,3),)))) C17 cell has a drop down to select the year }
Lo and behold, i ran into one last problem. 2008 has 1 quarter with the number in the tens of billions (41) while the remaining are in the hundreds (411)any suggestions on how to solve this?