I am using Excel 2007 in french (with the french format).
I am trying to format a cell to only display the milions digits of numbers (or above), with 2 decimal, with the same format that what is given by the "000" button (which is equivalent to dividing by 1000000 and using this standard format).
3000000 should be displayed as : 3
3100000 => 3,1
100000 => 0,1
-3100000 => -3,1
1000 => -
-1000 => -
I have the following format :
[>100000]_-* #,# \ _€_-;[<-100000]-* #,# \ _€_-;_-* "-" _€_-;_-@_-
However :
- if there is no digits after the ",", it still displays it (eg. 3000000 gives "3, " instead of "3 ").
- if the number is too small, it still displays the sign (eg. 5 will just display a "-", which is fine, but -5 will give "- - " which is wrong...)
Do you have any suggestion to fix these problems ?
Thanks a lot,