Hello All,

First off thank you, this forum has been a great resource for all my Excel needs.

So heres the issue, a bit complex but bear with me...

I am working off of a resource scheduler that breaks down our consultants by Name and Time (AM and PM) down the rows, and by Date along the columns.

Therefore one full day of a project for one consultant would have 2 cells on top of each other (C2 and C3 for example). A two day project would have 4 (C2, C3, D2, D3).

Right now we merge the cells, so the value would lie in C2, but would show on top of all 4 cells.

I am running an analysis where I want to break down projects and time worked by each of our consultants. Perhaps by having a summary which counts the amount of times "Project X" is shown throughout the month (or something similar).

Does anyone have an idea on how to do something like this? I am happy to attach a file if it would help. Thanks so much, it is greatly appreciated!
