I've got 3 questions I'm hoping someone can help answer
1. I seem to have mixed experiences sorting columns
I want to sort a column alphabetically say
So, what I want is all rows to be sorted according to this column
What happens 10% of the time is that JUST the column gets sorted
What I do is highlight the entire column and choose to sort a-z
ALWAYS, I get an error popup saying do I want to expand selection
I always choose yes and I get OK results - but only 90% of the time
What am I doing wrong?
2. This one really confuses me: how do I search for something??
Sounds dumb!! Jus do a damn search!
Well, most of the time it works
But annoyingly, toooo many times I'll do a search and it won't come up with any results!
BUT: I know the damn search result is there!!
So, I'll do a search for something I can see in front of my eyes - but it JUST won't find it!!
(I make sure I search up as well as down - but still same problem)
What am I doing wrong???
3. I have a single column of values. Is there any quick way to reverse all of the data?
I.e. first is last and last is first etc?
Or do I have to resort to VBA to do this?
ANY replies to any of the above would be sooo much appreciated