I am generally quite good in excel using VBA and other complex formulas, but this one simply has me baffled.
I have a file in which I want to come up with a formula that will do the following.
I have a price in column A, an FX rate in Column B, an uplift factor in Column C, and a market factor in column D. Price B is calculated using all of these factors, so the formula in F2 would look like =A2*B2*C2*D2 (Price A * FX * Uplift * Market).
The tricky part that I am trying to figure out is, how do you determine what the Market factor is if you want to change Price A, but keep Price B static? I do not want to use goal seek because my audience is not educated in excel nor do I want to use VBA.
I am attaching a file for reference. Any help is very much appreciated.