Hi all,
I am trying to work out a formula that really has two variables. What it is, is a stastical report of attendance, to explain it better I will show a short diagram below.
*** Under 12 over 12 attendance 1 attendance 2 attendance 3
f 1 1 1 1 (3)
m 1 1 1 (2)
So this is a basic attendance list that has over 250 people and their attendance records, so what I need to calculate is:
Total number of females
Total number of males
Total number of over 12s
Total number of under 12s
I am sure one calculation would serve both female/male as well as under/over 12s.
The long explanation is that if they are female and attended 3 times it would put 3 in the total but as there is more than one female I need the total number of females, times the attendance record total along the rows. I thought of using a =countif(a:a,"f")*b:b, using a large some of females and males, but this just gave me a total calculating the number of females and multiplying it by the first number in the second column. I hope this makes sense. What about the IF statement, could that be helpful???
Thanks any help appreciated