This is my first post so I apologize if I'm not familiar with the protocal.

I've built a massive report building "matrix" of Excel spreadsheets that creates customized reports for each Navy hospital in PowerPoint. Long story - short: the 60+ spreadsheets are all linked to a single workbook so that when I open the PowerPoint, all of the spreadsheets will open, get the hospital name from the source spreadsheet, close and then create a 50 page report of metrics and charts that is customized for that one hospital.

The larger the "matrix" grows, the longer it takes to create one report. I've noticed that when PowerPoint is updating it's links, it actually opens up each linked spreadsheet twice, even though there is only one linked item in each spreadsheet.

Any ideas why? I hoping there might be some what to create the links or modify the "matrix" so that the link update process will go faster.
