Hi Everyone,

This has been killing me all day. I can't seem to figure out how to make this work...

I have numerous lists on Sheet1 of a workbook. They are all named appropriately (ex. F5:F25 = JanuaryContacts, H5:H25 = FebruaryContacts, etc)

On sheet2, column B I have list of each month in a drop down.

I'm trying to set it up so when the user chooses January in Sheet2!B2, the JanuaryContacts list will populate in C2. If they choose February in Sheet2!B2, the FebruaryContacts list will populate.

I am unable to use simple IF statements because there are 12 months.

I've tried a INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE)) in the data validation but it doesnt work because the lists are on a separate sheet than the drop downs.

I've also tried a INDIRECT(VLOOKUP) using a names chart (see directly below) and that didnt work either.

Column A Column B
January JanuaryContacts
February FebruaryContacts

Could someone please help me figure this out?
