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If, And, wildcard search

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    If, And, wildcard search

    Alright guys, I'm sure someone will have the answer to this question as someone always does!! I am trying to find conflicting parts and codes with the parts. For example, A1 says ACCELEROMETER, and A2 says ACCELEROMETER, ENGINE. They are both the code 8803.30.0030 (Column C).

    I want my search to tell me whether the previous line item has both the same beginning text and code or not. Here's the formula I've come up with so far...

    =IF(AND(LEFT(B2,5))=(LEFT(B3,5)),I know somewhere in here, the code (Column C) needs to be entered"SAME","CONFLICT")

    I thought this would be a nested if, and verify whether or not the first five letters of text match, as well as the codes. I'm wrong somehow but not sure how....please help??
    Last edited by zachvu; 07-14-2011 at 06:23 PM.

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