I am trying to count the number of unique values in a range (four columns wide, called Name One through Name Four) based on some criteria (currently just the Year). The problem is that my values are in text format so I can't do this:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF((Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]]<>"")*(Table1[Year]=A13),Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]],""), IF((Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]]<>"")*(Table1[Year]=A13),Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]],""))>0,1,0))
So this is what I am trying:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF((LEN(Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]])>0)*(Table1[Year]=A13),MATCH(Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]],Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]],0),""), IF((LEN(Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]])>0)*(Table1[Year]=A13),MATCH(Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]],Table1[[Name One]:[Name Four]],0),""))>0,1,0))
But this second formula doesn't work, seemingly because the range in the Match function is a range that has more than one column.
These formulas I have tried came from Microsoft's Excel Help. Any ideas on what formula I should try instead?
I attached a sample, but it's not very pretty.