
i would be greatful for anyhelp with the following; the problem surrounds the creation of a pick list with pick locations.

within a workbook sheet 1 will hold a list of products in column A, and a pick location beside each product in column B.

in sheet 2, i would lik eto have a colum that has a product in (imported from a csv file) and then beside it a cell which poulates the pick location.

so if row A in sheet two matches a value in row A of sheet 1, then in row B of sheet two, populate the pick location (eg bin A1, Bin C2) that matches this product (which will be in column B of sheet 1).

the list of products may be several hundred long, and on sheet two wont always populate in a set order, or an order that matches that of the product list in sheet one.

i have tried a few formula using index, and match, but i just dont have the knowledge or understanding to figure it out on my own

if its of relevance, sheet two will have other data on it like quantity and reference numbers.