Hello All.
I have a Syntax issue. Or Should I say that I hope that a Syntax issue is all that it is. I am working in Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
Here is my formula
=SUMPRODUCT(('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!U:U=3)*('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!S:S="DAL")*('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!K:K="Stage"),--('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H<="*"&locks for Data sync&"*"))
My issue is with the very last section of it.
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H<="*"&locks for Data sync&"*"))
What I am attempting to do is to look into all cells in the H column of the 'PROJECT NAME Tickets' worksheet within the same work book. I am trying to only count the cells that have the phrase "locks for Data sync" within the text that is in the cells in the H column.
I have tried all of the following -
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H<="*"&locks for Data sync&"*")) Kicks back error = #NAME?
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H>="*"&locks for Data sync&"*")) Kicks back error = #NAME?
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H="*"&locks for Data sync&"*")) Kicks back error = #NAME?
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H="*""&locks for Data sync&""*")) Kicks back a False "0" ( the correct count is 14)
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H="*"locks for Data sync"*")) Kicks back a False "0" ( the correct count is 14)
('PROJECT NAME Tickets'!H:H="*""&locks for Data sync""*")) Kicks back a False "0" ( the correct count is 14)
Thank you for your Time