Hi all, I have a problem with dates comparison and hoping someone could assist or point me to the right direction.

Here's the situation :

I have two fields

1) Date Created : Consists of date and time (eg. 11/1/2010 8:28)
2) Date last modified : Consists of only date (eg. 11/3/2010)

I'm trying to do a comparison between Date Last Modified and Date Created. If Date Last modified is lesser or the same as Date Created it should be flagged as an error. In my case it should return the numeral 1 as an error.

The comparison works but not for the same day. No matter what i tried it seems to pick it up as an error.

Here is the formula I used.

=IF([@[Date Modified]]<=int([@[Date Created]]),1,0)

Would really appreciate it if someone could help me out.

Thanks in advance.