I'm new to the forum, so I apologize if this has already been asked & answered.
Basically, I'm looking for a way to show overlapping dates between two separate start and end dates, in addition to the original start and end dates of the two separate tasks performed by the same employee.


Employee 1 | Job Start 1 | Job End 1 | Job Start 2 | Job End 2

Joe Smith | 1/1/11 | 4/30/12 | 9/1/11 | 4/30/13

Basically, I'm wondering if there's a way to indicate these scenarios in three different colors:
  • Start/End of Job 1
  • Start/End of Job 2
  • Start/End of Overlapping Dates between Jobs 1 & 2 Job 2 - Start/End

Can this be done through formulas in a cell?
Or through conditional formatting?
Or maybe a combination of both?

I have the list of employees listed in a column and the dates listed (by day) across in a row.

If you need more info from me to help further illustrate the scenario, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks in advance!