
My first post in these forums. Lurked around a little and have got great info so far!

So here is my problem. I want to highlight 'duplicates' in a column, which is usually simple enough using conditional formatting.

But these 'duplicate' aren't exactly the same values and this is where I get into trouble.

Lets say I have a value abc123
It can appear again in the column as PLabc123, SUPabc123, PLSUPabc123.
I would want to highlight all these as multiple occurrences.

Since, the additional characters always come at the start, I was fiddling around using right() and len() to get them all. But then I would have to write a formula for each possible variation to get the correct number of characters using right()

Can anyone think of a way of doing this right? I have a feeling it shouldn't be too difficult.

Thanks in advance for any help!!